Monday, April 21, 2008

Health Games

So, last week we talked about health games and the strength of them when dealing with health interventions. Speaking from personal experience I know they worked. In Peace Corps, we were responsible for creating a health fair. I was teamed up with another volunteer and we had to do the booth on Malaria. We had arragned to get about 100 mosquito nets donated so we wanted to give those out but we wanted the people attending the fair to work to get them. So, we had them play a version of the cake walk to get the nets. We had music playing and when we would stop it the person standing on the picture of the mosquito would answer a quetion (of course with assistance they would always get it right) and then we would give the net. It was hillarious because the Timorese had never seen something like it before and they just loved it. In addition, we had set up a coloring table underneath a net for kids to color educational pictures. My fellow volunteers all used games at their booths also and the entire event was a total sucess. Just that experience with games and health really showed me how powerful they can be.
I was just searching for games on the internet and there are a ton of health related webbased games. There really is something for everyone and I just need to get more internet savy to make sure I am not missing out anything good!

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